
Hi, I'm one of the Admins and reviewers over at www.outpostskaro.com

Its a big friendly place full of Doctor Who fans. ( but nice ones that don't foam at the mouth)

Friday, May 10, 2002

So, who was the best DS9 character?

Does Quarks greed beat Odo sarcasm or will Obrien's cheeky chappy routine win out?
So are we all happy that that the leader of the free world wasn't elected by a majority of his countryfolks?

Is Byers a liar?

Global warming, how coming its freezing round here and its May?
Same time, same bat channel.
When is a jar.
When is a door not a door?
Day one in an ongoing struggle for power, life and all things green.

Never skip meals... leads to heart trouble later in life.
Sounds of the sea are often very soothing.

Automated Author meets alien internet invaders... news at 5